Monday, May 24, 2010


We were hit with a random but powerful thunderstorm yesterday. The kind that comes out of nowhere, where it rains so hard that mist rises off the pavement and you can smell the dirt after it's all over. It's the best kind of storm, powerful, but short and sweet. I left work early and as I was walking to the car in the downpour, I began to cry and as the rain mixed with the salty tears, I realized how insanely lucky I am. They were tears of happiness and utter gratitude, because I've done nothing to deserve the wonderful things I have. And for that I thank God or whomever or whatever is up there watching over us. I'm married to an amazing man who is good to me, I'm pregnant with his child and I have friends and family who love me for me. It all hit me at once, and I had what I can only describe as an "American Beauty" moment. Like the movie says, "it's hard to be angry with so much beauty in the world." I don't know what I've done to deserve it but I won't take it for granted or let anyone down. I am so so blessed.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Saturday, May 1, 2010

What not to say or do to a pregnant woman

Now that I'm incubating my own spawn I've realized that many people have no clue how to interact with pregnant women in a way that doesn't warrent them getting stabbed. I'm going to tell you a few of the things that'll surely piss off the pregnant women & will ensure that they never speak to you again.

* Rubbing her belly without asking her first. I'm only 10 weeks and I've already had well meaning people come up and rub my non-existant belly. It's annoying and extremely rude, don't do it.

* Taking food off her plate or napkin without asking. Pregnant women are hungry, they need the food more than you, leave it be and keep your damn hands to yourself.

* Asking stupid questions, like "how's the morning sickness?" Or, "how much weight have you gained?" My responses are normally along the lines of, "I throw up 85% of all mornings, it's just fucking fabulous." Or " the last time I checked it was really none of your goddamn business." Hey, I never said I wasn't a brazen asshole.

* Don't comment on what she's eating. Seriously. Just don't.

* Don't ask her every single hour how she's doing. A woman I work with does this bless her heart & I know she means well but damn. That being said, if you know I don't feel well, it's acceptable to ask me every little while and/or offer to buy me some crackers & water as a peace offering.

That's all I can really think of right now, I'm sure I'll think of more & I'll edit my post when I do.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry